Recently,I am watching "Castle".Oh,do not get it wrong,the"Castle" here is not some fancy building with thick,high walls.It is the name of one smart and cute writer,who is also a right-hand man of NYPD.He accidentally got involved in one murder case which is in the charge of beautiful detective,Beckett,and somehow magical "karma" made these two uncorrelated people become the best partner in tracking down the criminal.(FYI,They became lovers in the fifth season,oh,I am the spoiler,hahaha)
Anyway,this show is wonderful not only because of its complicated plot,excellent conversation,and crafty crime techniques,but it tells philosophies of life in every episode,which enlightens me.Well, that is great.You may find out that even every criminal has their solid ground,killing another innocent life is an unforgivable sin.We are human beings,we are alive,we have pulse,we may get angry......but sober mind and coolness is the most important thing in handling disagreement.It is common that we are jealous sometimes,but narrow mind will hinder your having a relaxed life and a promising future.So,Look into your soul not your past,and BE A GOOD GUY.