I will never forget the date 20122,7,24.It was just like a big bomb that smashed all my cozy fragments of life.The little poor guy,you,hit somebody when you were alleged drunk while driving a car.I read the news though weibo next morning because the accident happened before dawn.At that moment,I was shocked,grieved and bewildered.The jyp entertainment did not protect you and thus all the blame and disappointment flushed right toward to you out of blue. Iam just a fan,just a normal fan.I can't help even a little bit.So,I waited.I prayed for you every single day that you would tough it out safely.In the next few months,I did't hear anything about you except that you were still in South Korea.I missed you,of course I missed you.But it was not like"some idol had not shown on TV,and I cherished the memories when he decorated my leisure time".It seemed like I can't eat,I can't drink,and I even forgot what happiness was.When you disappeared,you took my heart with you.And a turn in the course arose that you would come back in 2012,11,17,Shanghai concert.I was like "WOW,really? Oh my dear Lord!!".You have no idea how excited I was when I met you that day.After all that you had been through,you looked more mature and grown.You had stared schedules since then---The 2PM Asian tour.Things seemed rebounding as normal,at least on the surface.Baby,everything gonna be alright!!! From then on,I promised to myself that I gonna live long long enough to watch your bobbing up like a cork.
Don't hide,run,You'll make it to tomorrow!!!
Ignore those hostile remarks,work hard,and welcome the next prime of your career!!!
Ignore those hostile remarks,work hard,and welcome the next prime of your career!!!
15일 방송된 MBC '황금어장-라디오스타'에 출연한 닉쿤은 "왜 음주운전을 했냐"는 MC들의 질문에 "회식자리 분위기를 깰 까봐 바보처럼 혼자 나갔다"며 "피곤해서 집에 가려고 했다"고 말했다.
팀 동료인 준케이는 "앨범 준비 중이었는데 음주운전 때문에 계획이 어그러졌다. 하지만 닉쿤이 너무 힘들어해 비난도 못했다"고 털어놨다. 닉쿤은 "회사에서는 나 빼고 5인조로 활동하라고 했는데 멤버들이 의리를 지켜줬다"며 고마워했다.
이어 닉쿤은 "죄송하다. 앞으론 이런 일 없도록 하겠다"고 반성의 메시지를 전했다.Cr:Sportsseoul
firstsite 2010-2011

But surprisingly,Hottest gave you their best support and encouragement.I remembered you guys cried just like children that day. Khun had dyed the yellow hair,which has become the most classic styling.During 2010,Khun was the prince of CF industry,and Khun had the best public praise among the team.Since you were beautiful and rich,everyone liked you.Your popularity rose ceaselessly.At the end of 2010,you host the MBC pageant,which is a big honor for "outlander" in Korea.

2PM_하.니.뿐. (A.D.T.O.Y.)_M/V
firstsite 2008-2009
Since earlier,I want to write an article to describe your star road since first debuted in 2008-9-4.
Before you got the role in 2PM,you participated in one documentary show called "Cruel Winter Blues".During the show,you "went in the melting pot",experienced overburdening military training,and made it to the last through a few rounds of elimination.I only watched that show once,and I am afraid I can't bear to watch it again because it tugs at my heartstrings.Here is the picture took in 2008,see:) you are still a little silly boy who can't stop tears running down your face.TT
So,for your endeavor and of course good luck,you got the team.People said you have nothing talented except your good-looking.You used to be called "flower vase".But that peep did not hinder your shiny road to KPOP star.And once you debuted in 2008-9-4,you guys set the KPOP world on fire.your first CB stage which featured rocking songs and acrobatics caused the sensation among audience.Through the debut song"10/10 points",you first have a group of people who support you---HOTTESTS(the name originated because 2pm is the hottest moment during the day).

Afterwards,2pm released "Again and Again" and "I hate you" two consecutive hit songs,which laid the ground work for their future success.In 2009,2pm is definitely the most potential group which has astonishing climbing speed.Their Duamcafe had burst overnight.And khun was catching everyone's attention.At that time,you attended many variety shows even you are not fluent in Korean.Producer would spend half time of the show focusing on your ideal type.The year,2009,was your shining year.
But you can't live without drawbacks.One accident just suddenly stuck 2pm in one night unexpectedly. The leader,Jay Park,was exposed that he once wrote some vicious words insulting Korean people in his blogger before debut.Actually,the whole thing is the big misunderstanding .At that time,the poor kid was so pressed and homesick when as a trainee that he wrote some so called radical words.Jay was born in US like khun,and they are accustomed to free comments and expressing their opinion in a humorous and cynical way.But that American style seemed offensive to Korean public and media press.This thing led to the leave of Jay in 2009.During this hard period,2pm released their new song"heartbeat" in November without Jay.And that song changed 2pm forever.They became a symbol of wild beast in KPOP. They won so many prizes at the end of the year.And for all the HOTTESTS,MAMA was memorable when 2pm gave way to tears talking about Jay. Khun comforted members and was thankful for this credit.
Before you got the role in 2PM,you participated in one documentary show called "Cruel Winter Blues".During the show,you "went in the melting pot",experienced overburdening military training,and made it to the last through a few rounds of elimination.I only watched that show once,and I am afraid I can't bear to watch it again because it tugs at my heartstrings.Here is the picture took in 2008,see:) you are still a little silly boy who can't stop tears running down your face.TT
So,for your endeavor and of course good luck,you got the team.People said you have nothing talented except your good-looking.You used to be called "flower vase".But that peep did not hinder your shiny road to KPOP star.And once you debuted in 2008-9-4,you guys set the KPOP world on fire.your first CB stage which featured rocking songs and acrobatics caused the sensation among audience.Through the debut song"10/10 points",you first have a group of people who support you---HOTTESTS(the name originated because 2pm is the hottest moment during the day).

Afterwards,2pm released "Again and Again" and "I hate you" two consecutive hit songs,which laid the ground work for their future success.In 2009,2pm is definitely the most potential group which has astonishing climbing speed.Their Duamcafe had burst overnight.And khun was catching everyone's attention.At that time,you attended many variety shows even you are not fluent in Korean.Producer would spend half time of the show focusing on your ideal type.The year,2009,was your shining year.
But you can't live without drawbacks.One accident just suddenly stuck 2pm in one night unexpectedly. The leader,Jay Park,was exposed that he once wrote some vicious words insulting Korean people in his blogger before debut.Actually,the whole thing is the big misunderstanding .At that time,the poor kid was so pressed and homesick when as a trainee that he wrote some so called radical words.Jay was born in US like khun,and they are accustomed to free comments and expressing their opinion in a humorous and cynical way.But that American style seemed offensive to Korean public and media press.This thing led to the leave of Jay in 2009.During this hard period,2pm released their new song"heartbeat" in November without Jay.And that song changed 2pm forever.They became a symbol of wild beast in KPOP. They won so many prizes at the end of the year.And for all the HOTTESTS,MAMA was memorable when 2pm gave way to tears talking about Jay. Khun comforted members and was thankful for this credit.
Son,I want to cry,too.Through all the obstacles,people always said I was a lucky girl--- good grade,warm family and "promising future".But,is it true? The reality is not that case,though.In July,2012,that period was so dark that it almost smothered me.And I know that accident in that month is tough for you,too.You see,that is one of the reasons I am obsessed with you----People who have the same illness sympathize with each other.I find another me in your life.We are so similar:We both like drawing;We both treat friends as invaluable wealth;We both loose 4 years'endeavor overnight......I became your mega fan after that accident.I spent money buying your photobook,your new album;I opened my facebook,tumblr,twitter,naver,nate,daum,etc,just for you.I voted for you till midnight.I went to your concert alone last year.But I never felt regret,and never complained why I devoted so much for someone who doesn't even know me.When I stood in the concert hall,listened to your beautiful songs,and watched your smiling,right at that moment,all my contribution was
worthy.I tried hard to make your life better,and to some extent,I felt better,too.No matter what happens out there in the future,I know you can handle it well.And so do I.World is not nice to us,but Mr Strong do,right? I love you so much when I am young.Yeas later,when I have been "baptized" by worldly affairs,you are still unchanged and pure,just like an angel.Even I am old,I will still care about the white-haired you,but the most handsome,shiny,flashing,black-haired you will always live in my heart.You are the symbol of my youth,at least at my age of 22.
worthy.I tried hard to make your life better,and to some extent,I felt better,too.No matter what happens out there in the future,I know you can handle it well.And so do I.World is not nice to us,but Mr Strong do,right? I love you so much when I am young.Yeas later,when I have been "baptized" by worldly affairs,you are still unchanged and pure,just like an angel.Even I am old,I will still care about the white-haired you,but the most handsome,shiny,flashing,black-haired you will always live in my heart.You are the symbol of my youth,at least at my age of 22.
2PM_이 노래를 듣고 돌아와 (Comeback When You Hear This Song)_M/V
2PM rocks the most.The new song released on 6th May is masterpiece.ENJOY~~~
Recently,I am watching "Castle".Oh,do not get it wrong,the"Castle" here is not some fancy building with thick,high walls.It is the name of one smart and cute writer,who is also a right-hand man of NYPD.He accidentally got involved in one murder case which is in the charge of beautiful detective,Beckett,and somehow magical "karma" made these two uncorrelated people become the best partner in tracking down the criminal.(FYI,They became lovers in the fifth season,oh,I am the spoiler,hahaha)
Anyway,this show is wonderful not only because of its complicated plot,excellent conversation,and crafty crime techniques,but it tells philosophies of life in every episode,which enlightens me.Well, that is great.You may find out that even every criminal has their solid ground,killing another innocent life is an unforgivable sin.We are human beings,we are alive,we have pulse,we may get angry......but sober mind and coolness is the most important thing in handling disagreement.It is common that we are jealous sometimes,but narrow mind will hinder your having a relaxed life and a promising future.So,Look into your soul not your past,and BE A GOOD GUY.
Anyway,this show is wonderful not only because of its complicated plot,excellent conversation,and crafty crime techniques,but it tells philosophies of life in every episode,which enlightens me.Well, that is great.You may find out that even every criminal has their solid ground,killing another innocent life is an unforgivable sin.We are human beings,we are alive,we have pulse,we may get angry......but sober mind and coolness is the most important thing in handling disagreement.It is common that we are jealous sometimes,but narrow mind will hinder your having a relaxed life and a promising future.So,Look into your soul not your past,and BE A GOOD GUY.
Today,I read one sentence which describes Christmas eve perfectly-----It is the most darkest and shortest night when we celebrate the bright.
Recently,I feel shaken up,because some rumors which idiots made up might cause some negative effect on my loved 2PM.Khun,who is one of the team,was the "leading man" in this cooked up story.After he took the reality show---WE GOT MARRIED,it seemed that his popularity built up quickly.But this show also caused so much trouble to him.Some audience have become the crazy couple shippers and associated every details in his life with the girl partner.I mean,I am not that kind of extreme fans who are against his girlfriend.If he finds his true love,I will give him my best blessings from the heart.But the only premise is that the girlfriend identity is admitted by him,a real girlfriend ,not just some leading role in audience fantasy.That is my thought,though.
People are upset about trivial things,including gossip,rumors and views of others.But,I realize these things are not avoidable.We can't predict things gonna happen,but we can choose how to react better.As Khun's fan,I know celebrity lives with gossip.And I know no matter how reluctant I am,I gonna take this as a "severe test"for firm determination in loving you.
Recently,I feel shaken up,because some rumors which idiots made up might cause some negative effect on my loved 2PM.Khun,who is one of the team,was the "leading man" in this cooked up story.After he took the reality show---WE GOT MARRIED,it seemed that his popularity built up quickly.But this show also caused so much trouble to him.Some audience have become the crazy couple shippers and associated every details in his life with the girl partner.I mean,I am not that kind of extreme fans who are against his girlfriend.If he finds his true love,I will give him my best blessings from the heart.But the only premise is that the girlfriend identity is admitted by him,a real girlfriend ,not just some leading role in audience fantasy.That is my thought,though.
People are upset about trivial things,including gossip,rumors and views of others.But,I realize these things are not avoidable.We can't predict things gonna happen,but we can choose how to react better.As Khun's fan,I know celebrity lives with gossip.And I know no matter how reluctant I am,I gonna take this as a "severe test"for firm determination in loving you.
It turned out that 2PM released part of their teaser in the afternoon,when I was overwhelmed by tons of emails.Anyway,I put on my headset when on one around,held back my excitement,and listened to it like chant.You have no idea how expectant I was.Because they have not come back for 2 years,2 entire years,which is a pretty long time for idols.BUT,the hoped-for boom never materialized.It seems serious but perfectly expresses my feelings.Maybe I set the expectation to high---when it does not reach the target,it is worthless.Yeah,the complete teaser will come out in 6th May,and maybe at that time,I will change my mind.I love this group with no reason,and no matter what,as their fan,I will be loyal and devoted.
What is wittykhun about
This blog is not that serious.I may not spend lots of time on setting its pattern,decorating and completing its content. So,what is all about? According to my blog's name----1:59PM,for those young people who are familiar with KPOP,you definitely know who I am talking about.Yes,it is 2PM. It is a male dancing group in South Korea which debuted in 2008.For the past 4 years,They have been releasing nearly one hundred songs,and holding over fifty concerts in Asia.I fell in love with group around 2010,when one member of it ,named khun,attended one popular reality show---We Got Married(It is a stupid show,by the way).South Korea is a cradle of KPOP stars,but this industry is full of intense and competition.So,if you want to stand out,you got to have something particular,something may flash people.And,luckily,2PM is such a promising group that they attracted tons of attention once they debuted.They win out over other competitors by their excellent acrobatics and rocking songs.I am their huge fan ,and they are going to release their new album on 11th ,May.I just can't fight down my excitement and being not hysterical,haha!!!Anyway,I just brief their information and clear my purpose on establishing this blog.In the coming days,I will update impoprtant events about 2PM continuously and make some comments about it.Dear "1:59PM",Let's embark on the new journey.
This blog is not that serious.I may not spend lots of time on setting its pattern,decorating and completing its content. So,what is all about? According to my blog's name----1:59PM,for those young people who are familiar with KPOP,you definitely know who I am talking about.Yes,it is 2PM. It is a male dancing group in South Korea which debuted in 2008.For the past 4 years,They have been releasing nearly one hundred songs,and holding over fifty concerts in Asia.I fell in love with group around 2010,when one member of it ,named khun,attended one popular reality show---We Got Married(It is a stupid show,by the way).South Korea is a cradle of KPOP stars,but this industry is full of intense and competition.So,if you want to stand out,you got to have something particular,something may flash people.And,luckily,2PM is such a promising group that they attracted tons of attention once they debuted.They win out over other competitors by their excellent acrobatics and rocking songs.I am their huge fan ,and they are going to release their new album on 11th ,May.I just can't fight down my excitement and being not hysterical,haha!!!Anyway,I just brief their information and clear my purpose on establishing this blog.In the coming days,I will update impoprtant events about 2PM continuously and make some comments about it.Dear "1:59PM",Let's embark on the new journey.
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