Hi~my lovely bolg, loooooooong time no see. I harbour great regret for u because I almost have not written blog for like a year. Things change enormously.I began to work 6 months ago and it didn't not work well.Remember how happy I was when I first got my offer? I felt like I am the most lucky person in the world.I am not that easily contented but the situation then was really satisfying.I got my certificate and a good job. The job prospect seems really bright.However, you never know. In the mignight dream,I blame my innocence and negligence.More over, I blame the ignorant fuck boss and malicious workmate. I feel my talent and ability are underrated here and I can't see a clear career ladder.I just don't understand the whole world all of the sudden and is it some kind of ordeal or test to check if I am the person who can man up and bear all the challenge? Because China has an old saying, “days will drop responsibilities on, but they will always first frustrate ,harass him up." or American would say, grin and bear it. If it so, I will accept my fate without complaining one word. misfortune may be a blessing in disguise. the most important thing right now is work your ass off on valuable things while keeping the faith. To assure my expenses( apartment rent, electric cost and other living cost) meet end, I have to endure all the crap in the work and make for a living. at the mean time, I will not give up my dream or my positive thought for those nonsense people or trivials. I gotta protect my dream. I live every day with patience, perseverance, and belief. That's how we live in the darkness and live beautifully.The road forward is still long and mysterious. This one year or more experience is one part of my entire life and I love my life. I don't want to live obsolescently in any phase of my life. I like the hard part of my life and I like the way I fight against it. Live like a soldier and that is how I choose my life.
Good night, love khunnie always and forever. Good luck to me, when I look back in the future and see this blog, I believe I will laugh about it. bye bye for a while. ~love u marine bolg, see u soon =] (for real haha )